
Showing posts from October, 2020

Music And Family

Throughout the entirety of this class, we have looked within ourselves and our personal history of music taste, so for this blog! I decided to talk to my mom about her musical past and boy was it interesting! I already kind of knew what kind of music she used to enjoy, but I have never really gone into depth with her about it. I knew that it would be diverse though because if I'm in the car with my mom her playlist ranges from Kendrick Lemar to Carrie Underwood and even some Five Finger Death Punch. Pictured: My mom, my little sister, and myself My first question... "Mama, what kind of music did you listen to when you were my age?"  "Wow, Cameron. That feels like forever ago. Don't make me feel so old." (Then she rambled on about how time flies and kind of avoided the question... SO I got her back on track.) "You know, I listened to the Back Street Boys a lot."  *Instantly I knew that she was going to mention Howie Dorough because I had already hea

Big Blog no.1: American Roots Music

Hip Hop Roots           America is so diverse in music culture! I can get so lost in the millions of songs, each of which has a different background that we don't even think about! Where does the music that we listen to come from? What group inspired it or started it? Where in America was it created? What era? There are multitudes of music forms and many questions that could be asked but today, we are going to focus on the roots of Hip Hop!       I chose Hip Hop because the music really hypes me up, and gets me ready for practices, games, and weight training! This is important, I need the hype to perform my best!      Initially, when I began doing research on Hip Hop and where it came from, a song caught my eye. It is called Rappers Delight by the SugarHillGang, and this is one of the first hip hop pieces in America. It hit the top ten charts worldwide! This song is what started the worldwide spread of hip hop! After this song dropped, it was almost a snowball effect! Hip hop album

Cool Stuff no. 3: Africa

We have explored many cultures so far but one of the most exciting to me is African culture. Throughout school I found myself intrigued by African culture, specifically because it was so headstrong that it greatly impacted and changed the culture of America when slaves were first brought from the Africas to the Americas in 1619. In my middle and high school history classes, we didn't specifically study the music of the African culture, but more of the songs created by those that were displaced America. Because of this is was very cool to learn about the roots of the people who created the songs that we learned in class. When researching countries south of the Saharan desert I immediately took a liking to Cameroon! Simply because it is very similar to my name! So, this led to my first question! " What is Cameroon's most popular music?"      Mr.Leo is the most known Cameroon artist. He is an urban artist who has been named the best artist! I listened to some of his musi