Music And Family

Throughout the entirety of this class, we have looked within ourselves and our personal history of music taste, so for this blog! I decided to talk to my mom about her musical past and boy was it interesting! I already kind of knew what kind of music she used to enjoy, but I have never really gone into depth with her about it. I knew that it would be diverse though because if I'm in the car with my mom her playlist ranges from Kendrick Lemar to Carrie Underwood and even some Five Finger Death Punch.

Pictured: My mom, my little sister, and myself

My first question... "Mama, what kind of music did you listen to when you were my age?" 

"Wow, Cameron. That feels like forever ago. Don't make me feel so old." (Then she rambled on about how time flies and kind of avoided the question... SO I got her back on track.) "You know, I listened to the Back Street Boys a lot." 

*Instantly I knew that she was going to mention Howie Dorough because I had already heard stories about how she and her friends had picked which boy from the band they were going to marry, and guess what? She went on to talk about how cute she thought he was in her younger years, but that she was happy she'd met dad instead. I thought that this was a funny conversation.* 

To continue the conversation... "Who else did you listen to?" 

"Well, I listened to a lot of Pearl Jam and the Smashing Pumpkins. You should know, I gave you my old band tees when I cleaned out the closet!" 

Already knowing the answer to the question I asked "Did you ever go to any concerts?" 

"Don't you listen? Yes, I went to many concerts in my day. You know this, concerts back then were so much better! Crowd surfing and more dancing. Now people just stand there and record it on their phones." 

*Not to expose my mom, but she then went on to tell me a funny story about how she'd gotten contact high from a rock concert, apparently they were singing a song called "Pass the Herb" and people literally starting passing the "Herb" around! This was so funny to listen to, even though I'd heard the story numerous times.*

After asking what her favorite Pearl Jam song was, she explained that she didn't really have a specific favorite one, but that she just really liked their music generally.

Just so you can get an idea of the kind of band Pearl Jam was.

The last question I am going to include is: "Which music do you think is better, My generation's music, or yours?"

"Oh wow. My generation! Hands down! Especially the rap, our rap was real. Ludacris and Bust a Rymes is so much better than the stuff you all have to listen to. It actually rhymed! He was the best and fastest rapper around. None of the more modern ones can out rap him. It's a shame that your generation does not have the same good music that we did."

*I think that this answer is interesting because she still listens to quite a few modern musicians, although most of her playlist is the "oldies but goodies" type of music.*


  1. Hey Cameron! I really loved reading the interview you and you're mom had. And the way you style the transcript cracked me up :) Your mom seems really fun and full of life. And I have to agree with her their generations rap music was the best, I often listen to Busta rhymes and some other oldies. I thoroughly enjoyed this Cameron, great interview :)

  2. I loved your post Cameron! Your mom seems like the kind of person youd want to get to know and who knows a lot about life. Your blog was set up really nice and made me giggle some.

  3. I really liked your mama's responds, it reminded me a lot of my own mama! I love the picture you included too! You look so much like your mama and sister! I definitely have to agree with your mama about this generations music, I personally think our music kind of sucks.

  4. I really liked your blog! Your mom's responses remind me of me whenever I talk about my favorite artists. I think that it is really cool how concerts were back then and how different they are now. I have been to a few concerts and I am very disappointed there was not anyone crowd surfing.

  5. When I was reading your transcript, I about died laughing. I love that there is some sass into the way your mom answered. I like that she goes off and tells you a story about one of her concerts she attended, I feel like there are definitely things we do not know about our parents, so that was really cool. I can agree with your mom to an extent about our generations music. I have never really been the type of person to like all of the rap music played today, but I am a very open person and will listen to anything to get a different perspective.

  6. Oh my goodness I loved how your blog, and your blogs set up. I thought it was so funny when you talked about her rambling on about something else but you getting her back on topic. I also loved when she talked about how she was glad she married your dad instead of one of the Howie Dorough members.

  7. The way your mom responds reminds me a lot of my mom! She seems so sassy. My mom listens to literally almost all of the same music that your mom does. Mom raves about the Back Street Boys 24/7 and of course she loves Pearl Jam as well. I like how your mom talked about Bust a Rhymes and how she teased you about him being better than what you listen to. I definitely hear that one a lot.


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